For over 5 years, ShepUp has trained, inspired, and equipped student-athletes across DFW. We pride ourselves in not only helping athletes athletically, but also character development by build confidence and improving self-esteem with all of our athletes.
Our Sports Training Programs Include:
Intro To Sports: This program is designed for boys and girls ages 5-8 and helps to build your athletic foundation and coordination.
ShepUp Pups: Designed for ages 9-11, although we still ensure there is a proper foundation, this program incorporates more athletic footwork and movement, and begins to work on explosion and speed.
ShepUp Dawgs: This ShepUp program is for Middle School athletes looking to take their game to the next level and prepare them to compete in High School. Here the focus is on speed, agility, hand-eye coordination, explosion, age appropriate weight-lifting, and footwork.
ShepUp Elite: Designed for High School athletes and helps to develop power, speed, strength, and overall athleticism.